Miss Universe Nepal organized an event on Sunday and announced the 20 semi-finalist contestants. The faces of the 20 contestants selected from the auditions in the country and abroad were made public at a press presentation program.
Married, pregnant, mother and divorced women are also allowed to participate in the Miss Universe Nepal competition. At a press conference held in Kathmandu on Sunday to inform about the competition, National Director Nagma Shrestha said that those rules will be implemented from next year.
All the contestants presented their introductions in the program. All the contestants presented their introductions in the program. Out of the top 20, the winner of the Social Impact Leader category will enter the final 10. It is said that those who get the most votes will be given the People’s Choice Award and the winner of the award will enter the top 10.
This year’s winner will receive an electric scooter along with Rs. The winner will also get the opportunity to represent Nepal at the 71st Miss Universe.