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Actress Karishma Manandhar introducing Intex’s home appliances in the Nepali market

Along with the film actress Karishma Manandhar is now seen in a new business. Organizing a press meet in Kathmandu on Wednesday, she has brought Intex Electronics home appliances to the Nepali market. Karishma Manandhar, Managing Director for Rishik Trading Concern Pvt. told in a press meet that she started other businesses along with her film journey. She said that this business has not stopped her film career but she has started a new business along with the film. Karisma has also a film production house.

Even though the products of this brand came to the world market 25 years ago, the goods of Home Appliance and Small Home Appliance have officially entered Nepal for the first time.

The mobile phone produced by this company entered Nepal 8 years ago and was established in 2015 as the number one brand in Nepal and India. “There is no room for questioning the quality,” said Bishwas Agrawal, head of international trade at Intex Brands. He has informed us that they are trying to make the brand officially number one in Nepal. The company has set up service centers across the country.

Our aim is to provide the best quality goods to the consumers. No consumer will regret using our branded goods. We have been providing good goods to the consumers at the right price, said Binay Joshi, Country Manager, Intex Brand.