In the presentation of Narayan Ballav Pant Foundation, the motion video ‘Buwa a story’ video by Subarat Acharya was released in Kathmandu on Saturday. The foundation released the video during a program at Film Development Board. Former President of Nepal Chamber of Commerce Rajesh kaji Shrestha along with CEO of Citizen Bank Ganesh Pokhrel and officials of the Foundation were present in the program. In the program, the Foundation provided rupees fifty thousand aid to the needy Sampannata Bindukar for her higher education.
In the music video vocal, lyrics and music is of Narendra Ballav Panth. Actors Saroj Khanal Shishir Bhandari is playing the major role, whereas supporting actors Alish Khanal, Roman Dangal, Gita Thapa, Child Actor Diyan Gautam are also presented on video. Music arrange, mastering & Mixing is done by Shailendra Babu Pradhan and recording by Artomuse Studio.