The movie ‘Ma Yasto Geet Gaunchu 2’ will be released on February 2. Director Sudarshan Thapa informed that the film will be screened in February. As the film is based on a love story, the director Thapa said that it is going to be released on the eve of Valentine’s Day.
The production unit has also unveiled a new poster of the film.
Produced by Sudarshan Thapa and Pooja Sharma, the film is co-produced by Jay Sampang Rai. The film stars Pooja Sharma, Pal Shah, Harihar Sharma, Dinesh DC, Raja Rajendra Pokhrel, Ganesh Giri among others.
Filmed by Saurabh Lama, choreographed by Ramji Lamichhane, scripted by Shivam Adhikari and Dinesh Neupane, the film has a story by Sudarshan Thapa, edited by Banish Shah and Milan Shrestha.
Shortly before the film, the public song ‘Timro Ghar Ko Waripari and Dukhko Kanda’ has become a hit. Viewers have also liked the trailer.