Based on the detective genre, An Inspector Calls is a play published in 1945 by J.B. Priestley. This play is described as a moralistic morality play. This play, written in the setting of a British community in 1912, is adapted in Nepal in the year 2022, but the subject of the play is still relevant.
The play begins with a celebration taking place in a wealthy Malla family. Sheela Malla, the only daughter of the Malla family, is engaged to Shishir Bikram Rana, who is considered higher than them in society. In this pleasant atmosphere, the doorbell of the house rings and a police inspector enters. The suspense of the play starts from here.
The play was directed by Rajkamal Fakir. The play has Avash Adhikari, Bijay Tamarkar, Shraddha Adhikari, Sisir Sivakoti, Sarita Bhujel, Sadan Luitel, and Monica Thapa in the lead roles.
The play is being performed at the old house theater in Sinamangal.