Nepalese teen model Preksha Sherchan was bestowed with the prestigious Fashion Wave Award as the Nepalese Teen Fashion Model in India. With a passion for dance since the tender age of 3, Preksha has seamlessly transitioned into modeling and acting, participating in various beauty pageants. The award ceremony, hosted by India’s Fashion Wave Magazine and Shivaay Media Network, witnessed the presence of renowned Indian actress Amyra Dastur, who presented the accolade.
Versatile Talents and Achievements
Preksha’s journey extends beyond modeling, with notable recognitions such as the Iconic Nepalese Fashion Model Award and Dynamic Nepali Event Organizer Award. Her achievements include triumphs at the Kayan National and Thailand International Festival Fashion Show in 2018, where she clinched the Kayan awards.
A Trail of Accomplishments
Preksha’s accolades span a diverse range, including the Fashion Model Kids Award 2018, Kid Quinn by Napliz Fashion Home – Social Welfare Chief Ambassador Award 2018, and Kids n Teen Fashion Model First Runner Up and Miss Talent at the H&M Fashion Show 2019. Notably, she secured the Miss Online Popularity and Miss Organizer’s Choice titles. Her impressive list of honors encompasses the Nai Derunikhpu Kopila Bal Puraskar 2075, Best Kids Model Award 2020, Sparsh Music Video Award 2020, and Best International Fashion Model Pretin Award 2021 from Pageant Nepal International Award. Preksha was also crowned Special Kid Queen Nepal 2022 by Napliz Fashion Home, among numerous other distinctions.
A Storied Performance Journey
Beyond awards, Preksha has graced over three dozen stage shows with her captivating dance performances. Her participation in various beauty, talent competitions, and fashion shows has consistently garnered accolades and certificates. Notably, her portrayal in the music video “Ruda-Rudai” earned widespread acclaim, marking another highlight in her burgeoning career.
Continued Excellence
With an impressive repertoire of achievements, Preksha Sherchan stands as a beacon of talent and accomplishment, showcasing her versatility in the realms of modeling, acting, and dance.l