Priyanka Karki has shared a picture of herself enjoying the swimming pool with her friends. Priyanka, who is about to become a mother, is being discussed with the pictures posted on social media from time to time. Actress Karki is in the news on social media and media after she made it public that she is sure of becoming a mother. There have been more negative than positive reactions to Priyanka’s public image. This has not made any difference to the heroine Karki. Priyanka herself is a gossiping heroine.
Just a few days ago, Priyanka released pictures of Baby Shower. Similarly, Priyanka has made public the pictures she enjoyed in the swimming pool as the day of giving birth to her child is approaching.
Priyanka and her close friends can be seen rejoicing in the swimming pool. There have been many critical reactions to this picture of Priyanka. However, some have praised her for enjoying life while she was pregnant.