Actor Salman Khan has said that he is excited about coming to Nepal. In a virtual dialogue with Tourism Minister Prem Ale at a program organized at Hotel Solti on Wednesday, he said that his team is very excited to come to Nepal.
‘I had come to Nepal earlier to shoot a film. Returning after the filming failed, Salman said, “All the teams are happy to have this time.” Salman had replied to Minister Ale by saying ‘Done’ in one word.
Salman is coming to Nepal on the event by Odyssey Entertainment Lazimpat for the ‘Da Bang Reloaded Tour’ to be organized at Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu on May 28. Apart from Salman, a jumbo team of Bollywood actors including Jacqueline Fernandez, Sonakshi Sinha, Ayush Sharma, and Prabhu Deva will be participating in the concert, according to the organizers.