Kiranti, which has spread in different parts of Eastern Nepal, seems to be moving away from its original culture in recent times. Who has the time now to think about the wrong culture of the state and the fascination with modernity, culture, history, and civilization? At the same time, while there is a lot of talk about identity, there is hope that these cultures will be perfected again or that what they have forgotten will be revived.

At that time, there was not much road expansion in the eastern hilly district. In particular, they were making a living by carrying heavy loads of Kiranti owners from Majhkirant, Hatuwa, Amchok of Bhojpur, Ram Prasad Rai village municipality, and the Bopung area of Khotang. Their journey on the small road on the banks of the Saptakoshi River was very risky. ‘Semana’ is the story of a villager who lived for a few years on the same cliff and lived on the Arun River with loads.

Semuna is a love story between the eldest and the youngest who travel together on the banks of the river Arun while dancing Sakela. The Jetha and the Kanchi love each other but they cannot express their love to each other. During the journey, the Jethadies after falling into the river Arun and the youngest is left alone without the eldest. Then she waits for the tomb of the Kanchi to live. Along with the love story between the two, the play also seeks to expose the culture of the Kiranti community to the audience. The Kirantis believe in nature, and the drama seeks to showcase everything from their land-worshiping rites to their death rites.

This is the life philosophy of Sakela / Sankeva Kirantis who dance in worship of father and nature in every upheaval and upheaval. On the same occasion, the play has also raised the issue of how the use of alcohol required by fathers and gods has become illegal due to state law. ‘Semuna’ is the name of the Sakenwa / Sakela dance performed in the Bopung area of Khotang including Hatuwal of Kirant and Bhojpur.

Written by storyteller Dilip Bantawa, the play was conceived and directed by Nita Rai. Soujan Limbu, Rajendra Kattel, Suman Koirala, Prakash Thapa, Chandra Nepali, Prakash Thapa, Elijah Tumbapo, Pratigya Bhandari, Ashish Neupane, Shankar Pokhrel, Rohit Shrestha, Divash Siwakoti, Sanjay Timisilna, Ujjwal Raj Dhakal, Sabbu Gurung, Ramchandra Rai, Arun Punmagar, Nishan Khatri, Yaskumar Rai, Timothy John Lama, Kavi Rai, Bishwas Manandhar, Abhishek Khadka, Subrata Silwal, Pooja Tiwari.