The popular television reality shows Nepal Idol has undergone decisive changes. The franchise singing reality shows Nepal Idol has changed the judges for the fourth season.
Singers and senior musicians Shambhujit Banskota, Sugam Pokharel, and Suwani Moktan are among the new judges. After being selected as the judge, singer and senior musician Shambhujit Baskota said that he hoped to come to Nepal Idol and it was fulfilled.
He expressed happiness to be a member of the Nepal Idol family. Singer Pokhrel and singer Moktan have also said that they are happy to collaborate with Nepal Idol.
Singer Moktan said, “I wanted to come to Nepal Idol. It was decided that Nepal Idol was well run yesterday. The judges of yesterday have done a good job. The management has also created a good atmosphere. I am happy to work as a member of the Nepal Idol family.” ‘
The artists have said that they are very happy to be associated with Nepal Idol even though it is late. Tiktak star and model Reshma Ghimire has also joined Nepal Idol Season 4 along with three judges.
The management committee has selected a new judging team for Nepal Idol Season 4 after the judges of season 3, New Bajracharya, Kali Prasad Baskota and Indira Joshi joined another reality show.