Srichchha Pradhan, a resident of Kathmandu and a graduate student in environmental science, emerged victorious as she was crowned Miss Nepal World 2023. The grand finale took place at the Sunrise Conference Hall in Godavari on Saturday, attracting a host of Nepali fashion, film, and music celebrities. The previous year’s Miss Nepal, Priyankarani Joshi, had the honor of crowning the new titleholder.
During the event, Prashti Shah claimed the title of Miss Nepal International, while Raina Mazgaian was crowned Miss Nepal Earth. Additionally, winners of 12 co-categories were announced, adding to the excitement of the ceremony.
As an environmental activist, 23-year-old Srichcha Pradhan showcased her dedication to the cause, which undoubtedly contributed to her success. Her remarkable achievements extended beyond the Miss Nepal World title, as she also secured victories in the co-categories of Face of the Year and Miss DHI.
A total of 24 semifinalists competed passionately for the coveted title, making the grand finale a thrilling event for all involved.