There are 10 contestants for Miss Nepal USA. These contestants are selected on the basis of applications received till the first week of September. Among them are Apeksha Singh, Gurung Pariyar, Kala Neupane, Pratiksha Shukla, Pratisa Pradhan, Pritija Jaishi, Riya Shrestha, Sunita Adhikari, Sanyamita Shrestha, Sonia Thapa and Alisa Limbu.
Miss Nepal USA 2021 will be announced at a ceremony on September 25 at the Queen’s Theater in New York.
Miss Nepal US, which has been making significant contributions in the field of women’s education and empowerment, is not only a beauty pageant but also a social campaign. Chairman Amit Shah explains.
Sujita Basnet has crowned the first Miss Nepal USA in the competition which started from New York in 2011 in collaboration with iPlanet Nepal.
Miss Nepal US has also received a trademark from the US government. Almost 10 years after the start of the pageant, Miss Nepal USA has succeeded in getting the official trademark of the US government.