Aamir Khan starrer Lal Singh Chadha is releasing on August 11. Aamir Khan is known as a star who always gives something new in his work. Even in the trailer of his Laal Singh Chadha, he can be seen different. Aamir’s movie means that the audience gets to watch something different.
But in his upcoming Lal Singh Chadha, how much the audience will like to watch the story again, it will be known only after the release. Aamir’s upcoming film Lal Singh Chadha is a remake of the 1994 film Forrest Gump written by Eric Roth. Hollywood famous actor Tom Hanks was in the main role of the movie. Forrest Gump won six Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Hanks, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Visual Effects, and Best Film Editing.
Viewers who have seen Forrest Gump will not find anything new in the story. You will only get to see Aamir Khan instead of Tom Hanks. Despite being a Hollywood remake, as soon as the trailer of Lal Singh Chadha was released got in controversy. Just hours after the trailer’s release, #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha started trending on Twitter, with netizens referencing old statements made by the film’s lead stars. One of them was Aamir’s 2015 remark linked to “intolerance” in India, which has created quite a stir in the past as well.