Kathmandu – Prema Lamgade has won the crown of ‘Miss Vibhandrew a 2024,’ organized by Umang Creation. In the final round held this evening, Prema Lamgade outperformed the other top five contestants to secure the title.
The crown was presented to Prema Lamgade by Miss Vibhaa’s International Director, Bhumi Pathak. The judges for the event were Anu Shrestha, Aman Pratap Adhikari, Sarita Shri Gyawali, Karan Vaidya, and Ichchha Karki. The program was directed by Prashant Tamrakar.

Contestants included Asmita Shah, Dr. Kajal Thakur, Aakriti Kunwar, Preksha Joshi, Bina Maharjan, Prema Lamgade, Jyoti Khadka, Rinsa Shakya, Priya Maharjan, Shreya Manandhar, Shishika Subba, Sanju KC, Sudhira Yadav, and Jenita Century.
The winner will have the opportunity to participate in the Miss Grand Final, which will be held in Cambodia on October 25 (9th of Kartik).